Post by barley on Oct 15, 2016 8:55:18 GMT
I bathed Alfie last night and noticed he had all these weird black/grey bits in his coat - they're definitely not flea dirt and didn't wash out after two shampoos! Even after a blow dry and a good brush through, they're still there. I didn't notice them when he was dry before the bath, only when he got wet, but they're very noticeable now. They're pretty much all over his back. Any ideas?!
Post by smilesbetter on Oct 16, 2016 8:38:14 GMT
I'd go to the vets to be on the safe side. What makes you certain it's not flea diet? I've had regularly flea treated pets get fleas before. Also there are other parasites which leave similar dirt too. Alternatively, could it be something totally natural and normal that might have got on him during the day. For example if Rosa gets grass seeds or bits of crushed up leaves/organic matter in her coat it sometimes is very difficult to wash out and I have to sit and groom it out. Anyway if I were you I'd check with a vet just to be on the safe side
Post by smilesbetter on Oct 16, 2016 8:38:45 GMT
Flea dirt not diet haha
Post by barley on Oct 16, 2016 9:15:36 GMT
Thanks for your reply Definitely not flea dirt as it's a totally different texture... not grainy and didn't go red when wetted. He's also up to date with Advantix and has a flea allergy, so if he had fleas, I'd definitely know about it I'll keep an eye for a little while, maybe ask his groomer on Tuesday.
Post by bectil on Oct 16, 2016 9:46:32 GMT
I have no idea what it could be, but have you tried a flea/nit comb to get the stuff off?
Post by tonib on Oct 16, 2016 10:49:41 GMT
I've no idea what it could be if its definitely not flea debris, barley. Just an (very) odd thought though, is there anything in the water supply as you only noticed it after he was wet. I presume you used some hot water even if mixed with cold, so it might be worth checking the hot supply output just in case. I'm hpoing it wouldn't be in the cold (drinking) water!
Post by alfiemummy on Oct 16, 2016 14:26:21 GMT
Has he been rummaging around in any plants or bushes? Alfie sometimes gets weird bits on him that I can't easily get off, then I find out he's been sleeping on my dad's chainsaw trousers and it'll be something like sap or some other sort of plant dirt.
The only other thing that came to mind was if you've got a new fluffy blanket or something and it's the fibres from that? I wouldn't have thought something like that would stick on so well though so probably not.
Post by barley on Oct 16, 2016 15:19:37 GMT
I have no idea what it could be, but have you tried a flea/nit comb to get the stuff off? I haven't, I don't have one to be honest! I'll try to get one tomorrow, thanks for the idea I've no idea what it could be if its definitely not flea debris, barley . Just an (very) odd thought though, is there anything in the water supply as you only noticed it after he was wet. I presume you used some hot water even if mixed with cold, so it might be worth checking the hot supply output just in case. I'm hpoing it wouldn't be in the cold (drinking) water! Eeek I washed him in the shower so I would hope not! Will check Has he been rummaging around in any plants or bushes? Alfie sometimes gets weird bits on him that I can't easily get off, then I find out he's been sleeping on my dad's chainsaw trousers and it'll be something like sap or some other sort of plant dirt. The only other thing that came to mind was if you've got a new fluffy blanket or something and it's the fibres from that? I wouldn't have thought something like that would stick on so well though so probably not. Both good suggestions but nope to both! It really is very odd, he's absolutely covered in it.... it's hard to describe! He's being groomed Tuesday so I'll see what the groomer says!
Post by orpheous87 on Oct 16, 2016 20:53:24 GMT
He hasn't had any scabby areas on his back has he? Thinking of the op he had a while back. Just that when Cody had the hotspots, they scabbed over and were very difficult to get rid of, even with bathing.
Post by barley on Oct 17, 2016 20:23:51 GMT
He hasn't had any scabby areas on his back has he? Thinking of the op he had a while back. Just that when Cody had the hotspots, they scabbed over and were very difficult to get rid of, even with bathing. Nope, not scabby. His skin is quite dry (since he's not allowed the omega oil now) but I wasn't sure if that'd cause this kind of effect?!
Post by smilesbetter on Oct 17, 2016 21:18:22 GMT
Could be dead skin, don't know why it would be dark though. Can you use coconut oil to moisturise his skin? Or apple cider vinegar, it's certainly done wonders moisturising my hair and scalp.
Post by barley on Oct 18, 2016 19:23:34 GMT
He was groomed today and the groomer thought it was just dead flaky skin (he has quite pigmented skin) so wasn't concerned She's given him a good scrub and a deep conditioning treatment! smilesbetter thank you for the suggestions! I think coconut oil would be very messy/greasy as he's quite thickly coated. Hmm I use a dental additive in his water, not sure if ACV would 'clash'. Will look into that!
Post by smilesbetter on Oct 18, 2016 20:16:48 GMT
barley I mean to use ACV mixed with water and spray it into his coat now and then as a conditioning treatment. Once it dries you won't smell it on him but if you want, wash it out after half an hour. I do that on my own hair and I can honestly say I've never loved my hair as much as I do now! It was always so dry before. Can't promise it'll work on dogs but I use it on Rosa in summer against fleas and never had an issue. Her coat and skin is like a dream, but she is a young dog so can't 100% say for sure it's the ACV haha!
Post by barley on Oct 18, 2016 20:28:04 GMT
barley I mean to use ACV mixed with water and spray it into his coat now and then as a conditioning treatment. Once it dries you won't smell it on him but if you want, wash it out after half an hour. I do that on my own hair and I can honestly say I've never loved my hair as much as I do now! It was always so dry before. Can't promise it'll work on dogs but I use it on Rosa in summer against fleas and never had an issue. Her coat and skin is like a dream, but she is a young dog so can't 100% say for sure it's the ACV haha! Oh ok that's interesting, I always presumed vinegar applied externally would be super drying - may have to try it, thanks